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RepVGG: Making VGG-style ConvNets Great Again


  • a stack of 3 × 3 convolution and ReLU, while the training-time model has a multi-branch topology.

  • decoupling of the training-time and inference-time architecture realized by structural re-parameterization technique


Network Architecture Redesign

Comparative Analysis of Classic Convolutional Neural Networks: VGG, Inception, ResNet, and DenseNet


Searched Compound Scaling Strategy

balancing network depth, width, and resolution to improve performance


  • complicated multi-branch designs

    • Resnet: residual-addition

    • Inception: branch-concat

  • Components increasing the memory access cost and lacking support of various devices.

    • depth-wise conv in Xception

    • MobileNets

    • channel shuffle in ShuffleNets

Advantage of RepVGG

RepVGG has the following advantages.

  • The model has a VGG-like plain (a.k.a. feed-forward) topology 1 without any branches, which means every layer takes the output of its only preceding layer as input and feeds the output into its only following layer.

  • The model’s body uses only 3 × 3 conv and ReLU.

  • The concrete architecture (including the specific depth and layer widths) is instantiated with no automatic search, manual refinement, compound scaling, nor other heavy designs.

Motivation of decoupling between train-time and inference-time

Since the benefits of multi-branch architecture are all for training and the drawbacks are undesired for inference, we propose to decouple the training-time multi-branch and inference-time plain architecture via structural re-parameterization, which means converting the architecture from one to another via transforming its parameters.


Building RepVGG via Structural Re-param

Simple is Fast, Memory-economical and Flexible

  • Many recent multi-branch architectures have lower theoretical FLOPs than VGG but may not run faster.

  • The multi-branch topology imposes constraints on the architectural specification.

Re-param for Plain Inference-time Model


This transformation also applies to the identity branch because an identity can be viewed as a 1 × 1 conv with an identity matrix as the kernel.

After such transformations, we will have one 3 × 3 kernel, two 1 × 1 kernels, and three bias vectors.

Then we obtain the final bias by adding up the three bias vectors, and the final 3 × 3 kernel by adding the 1×1 kernels onto the central point of 3×3 kernel, which can be easily implemented by first zero-padding the two 1 × 1 kernels to 3 × 3 and adding the three kernels up.

Architectural Specification

We decide the numbers of layers of each stage following three simple guidelines.

  • The first stage operates with large resolution, which is time-consuming, so we use only one layer for lower latency.

  • The last stage shall have more channels, so we use only one layer to save the parameters.

  • We put the most layers into the second last stage

To further reduce the parameters and computations, we may optionally interleave groupwise 3 × 3 conv layers with dense ones to trade accuracy for efficiency.

We do not use adjacent groupwise conv layers because that would disable the inter-channel information exchange and bring a side effect: outputs from a certain channel would be derived from only a small fraction of input channels.

Last modified: 10 March 2024